A Politically Incorrect, Perfect Response, and a Legend Enhanced

It was a perfect moment on a golf course. The Curmudgeons were in their heyday.

My neighbors, Keith Macumber, Randy Prescott, and Spud Mumby had joined our original bunch of Navy guys met during my career and, of course, the legendary Army Artillery Major Marty Linville.

Our foursome that day consisted of Marty, Spud, Rod, and myself, were on the eighteenth tee. Spud hit a nasty duck hook that curved into the parking lot and struck the side of a white car stupidly parked where an errant tee shot could strike your car. Spud was contrite. After hitting a second tee shot, he walked over to where his errant ball had landed.

As Spud approached, an older man and his son came out of the 19th hole restaurant. The old man proceeded to read Spud the riot act, accusing him of intentionally hitting his car, demanding to see Spud’s insurance, Navy ID, license and several other things.

Spud was embarrassed but everything he said only made the old man more irate.

Marty and i had walked over to see what was happening. Marty was not known to tolerate stupid or bullies. He looked at what was going on and said to the old man:

“Fuck off and die.”

The old man stopped in his tracks, looked confused, and became contrite. We all walked away quietly…with, of course, laughing to ourselves and adding to our legend of Marty.

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