
Most Recent Posts

  • Oliver’s Law of Location

    No matter where you go, there you are.

  • Recalling Night Vision

    the dark descends
    it is the way of the day
    it is the way of life
    it is a fact:
    dark descends
    i sit in the dark of the deep evening
    i smile,
    remembering when
    the dark was defeated
    by the flashlight’s red lens
    allowing the mariner to not lose
    night vision
    to scan the horizon
    to find landmarks
    to guide our ship home
    in the wee hours of age
    i sit in the dark
    smiling in my understanding
    of the dark.

  • Third Law of Procrastination

    Procrastination avoids boredom; one never has the feeling that there is nothing to do.

  • Watching a Wizard

    You may notice there have been some changes to my websites. We are in the process of catching up with the world of technology. It turns out you don’t catch p in this new world of the web in the cloud thing by fixing what you got because you have to throw out the old and replace it with the new because the old don’t work anymore, can’t be fixed. i suspect it’s the techie’s finance czars figuring out how to make more money off of me.

    Proving age is not a friend of new technology, i sought help in the usual place to get me over the hump. i called and went to visit Walker Hicks. We are working together, that is, Walker is working, and i watch and try to learn what he’s doing.

    i sit in the small office he and his wife Marcie share in their townhome here in the Southwest corner. i watch the wizard at work as he resolves problem after problem, leaning back in his chair to think about the problems and what might cause them. Their two corgis lie asleep at Walker’s feet after a robust and fun greeting to me.

    You can see Walker has thought of a possible solution and moves toward his computer, mousepad, and keyboard. There, he deftly moved around at speeds that fools my eyes, opening menus, changing code, enquiring in places i have never been, reading things that were more foreign than foreign languages.

    Bang. All problems solved. Okay, Okay, it took something over an hour, but it was impressive.

    i have known Walker for almost twenty years. He never ceases to amaze me with his immensely impressive capability in a plethora of disciplines. Perhaps his most impressive talent is identifying and encompassing an old man from a different world into his work and as a friend.

    You see, Walker Hicks is just one superb human being.

    Thanks Walker, and Marcie, Bryton, and of course, Remy.

  • sails are set

    sails are set
    the wind is abaft the beam
    the spinnaker is rigged for reaching
    the sails luff before filling
    the daysailer moves steadily
    toward the horizon
    at the helm i sit
    with the winds of time behind me
    we sail on
    to whatever is over the horizon.