The book tour was over. but there was one more stop before going home. i had reached the fourth base. It is appropriate it was the “home run” of my travels.
i left Newport on a Friday morning, October 21, and drove to Boston. The wonders of talking about my book to wonderful people had me on a high. Boston was time for family.
My brother Joe and his wife, the novelist Carla Neggers, live in Quechee, Vermont. They came to Boston, a familiar trip they make to visit their daughter and son, and their daughter’s family. i stayed at their son Zach’s apartment. They stayed in ordered pandemonium at their daughter’s home with her husband, son Leo, and two young daughters Oona and Niamh.
It was a great three days. We went to soccer games, we ate at wonderful places. Oona and Niev are smart and super active. Leo has reached the teenage stage, and was relative reclusive, but he too is smart and good young man. i was really impressed as to how he and my brother operated together.
All three of the children adore their grandfather and grandmother. Spending time with the family was like watching the good life the way it should be.
Early each morning, Joe would come over to Zach’s place. He would bring pastries from one of his favorite places and the three of us would talk over the pastries and coffee. We watched sports together and just the three of us ate out Sunday evening, my last day there. It was male family and i kept thinking of Daddy, Joe, and i sharing things together.
i should add that Carla, once again, shared her knowledge about the book business with Kate and me — Kate, a history professor at Fitchburg State, has published a book about the growth of industry in the South, Dollars for Dixie, and is in the process of publishing her second book about college radio stations. Carla is a great writer, and her novels are fun reads. She is also wise in many ways, especially when it comes to publishing a book. i know i left with a better understanding of what i need to do and how.
i departed with a touch of sadness because i know how hard it is for folks in the Southwest corner and Northwest corner to get together. The two places are a long way away from each other. i vowed to get back as frequently as i could in the future.
It was almost a perfect end to a fabulous trip for me. i use “almost” because the flight home was one of the longest and uncomfortable days i’ve spent traveling, and i have had some doozy trips in my time traveling.
But the travel was worth it. Thanks, Carla, Kate, Zach, Conor, Leo, Oona, and Nieve. It was a terrific time for me,