Before beginning this post proper, something to heed. On the way back from Christmas on Signal Mountain, i was exposed and caught the flu. i have had my flu and covid shots and thought myself relative free from the dangers. Not so. If you are traveling, especially on a plane, i highly recommend you were a mask. You don’t want what i’m recovering from.
i had begun a rather lengthy post about my 2024 when i lost several close friends. Rising above this despondency, i have been dealing with living as an old man…and that beats the heck out of the alternative. But, i was sidetracked. No need for a review of the past year here.
But on our way back from yet another great Christmas at my sister’s home on Signal Mountain, some despicable character, apparently not well, declined to put on a mask. A rather dumb goofy guy in front of him decided to refrain from donning a mask. Maureen and i came down with an unpleasant malady, sneaking up on us Monday night. In spite of being diligent and having my flu and COVID shots, we caught the flu (tested negative for COVID, thank goodness).
I went down hard for seven days and am still recovering, although no longer contagious.
Essentially, i lost the first week of 2025. It was not fun nor pretty, but it gave me time for thought about where i want to go and how from here.
i”ve repeated Dicken’s first paragraph from A Tale of Two Cities often. It applies here, but i will not repeat it. 2024 was miserable for me but there were lots of good things as well. Age is beginning to exhibit its discomforts. Although not critical or life-threatening yet, some surgery looms. Annoying conditions in joints and muscles are moving toward more than annoying. Restrictions on what i eat, drink, and what i do are growing.
But i’m in pretty good shape for an old man. i can live as long as i can live. That is now finite but unknown. Good things with family abound and have outlooks that please me.
i have lost friends, but i have friends.
There will be changes, for me, for my writing, for my relations. My posts in groups will change. i won’t predict what they could be, but there will be changes…Always, there is change.
So, here’s my plan. i’m going to do what i can. i’m going to put one step ahead of the other and then follow suit, speed to be determined. i am going to love my loved ones even more. i am going to like people even though i disagree with them. i am going to try to not throw rocks over the wall. i’m going to follow that old customer service dictum of “walking in the customer’s shoes” before playing the blame game.
And i’m going to attempt to live well and always do what is right.
i think i have a pretty good chance because i have a lot of help.
…and she’s pretty too.
Love the picture of you two. Looking good!