i am earthy
i am raw
i am a man
who comes from working stock
i reek practical
get it done
knock off the nonsense
deal with reality
deal with it
get it done.
do not bother me
with your whines
about being called names
i have been called names as bad
dealt with it.
do not bother me
with having to work hard
in difficult circumstances
i have worked harder
in worse circumstances
dealt with it.
do not bother me
blaming history, people of the past
for today’s ills
you weren’t there
they were in a different world
where they dealt with it
never perfectly
just like us
i do not condone their imperfections
i do not judge
i wasn’t there
dealt with it.
do not bother me
with being offended by
what people say
what people read
what people worship
i have heard
what people say
what people read
what people worship
laugh about it
make jokes
you would find offensive
dealt with it
don’t bother me
deal with it.