It is difficult for me as i write this.
There is this Soldier Brave who just lost his last battle. For this battle, he did not volunteer. He is a true warrior who defended our country, our constitution, our flag. Major James Martin “Marty” Linville, USA, retired, has defended you, me, and our country well. He passed away this morning.
The foes in his last battle were the afflictions to which he was exposed in defense of us.
i will undoubtedly write more, much more about this incredible man. But for now, i will take in a deep breath and try, try to behave and think in a manner i believe Marty would wish me to think and behave.
Along with his wife Linda, who was holding him, and his daughter Michelle, who was stroking her mother’s back in support, i was with him when Michelle had just put her phone to Marty’s ear, and his son Michael, over a thousand miles away, told him of his love for his father. When Michael concluded, Marty took his last breath.
He was a warrior, one with whom i played golf for thirty-nine years. He is one of my closest friends.
Rest in peace, Soldier Brave. You’ve earned it.
God bless him and his family rest in peace Marty
Thank you, Mike. He was something special.
Ahhh, Jim, I’m so sorry to hear about that dear soul Marty. Everyone who knew him was blessed to have the honor of his presence in their lives. And just think how much richer your life was every week to trek through the links all those years.
Whenever I think of him I will always have a smile on my face as I picture that beautiful loving man.
My thoughts are with you and I know he’ll be with you every time you get out your clubs and head to God’s garden where he’ll be there waiting for you 💞
Thank you, Patsy. He and your father were linked. They both passed away too early at the same age, 33 years apart.
Jim, such a heartfelt tribute. Marty was a hero who fought bravely until the very end. You were lucky to have him in your life for so long with all the good memories. I’m sure being there at the end was traumatic for you but I feel like Marty must have felt your presence 🥲
Thank you, Nancy. It was good to talk to you and Pete about it today.
I’m, sorry you lost a good friend and golf buddy.
Thank you, Sara. Marty and i are of a breed, which is vanishing. But i have 39 years of great memories and hilarious stories to honor him.
I’m sorry for your loss, Jim. Dear friends are treasures in our lives. Hold on to the joy of your friendship as you grieve.
Thanks, Kathie. Marty was special, a man of his own and we were probably the closest friends in many ways. This was a tough one for me. As i told his wife Linda, we must strive to behave and act as Marty would want us to do.