A Sister’s Birthday

By all expectations, we weren’t supposed to be close, to even know each other.

She is nine months older than me, give or take a few days. But that’s about it. She was born and raised in the San Diego area, lived a couple of years in Detroit, but has been back here in the Southwest corner since then, a long time ago. i think you know enough about me to know i’m from a small town in Tennessee, about 2400 miles away.

She has been a waitress for most of her life, a superb one. i have kicked around in all sorts of things with the two defining pursuits being writing and the Navy. Other than baking the tortilla chips in the kitchen of Bilbo’s Restaurant on Orcas Island in 1980 that lasted oh, about twenty minutes, i have never been involved in restaurant work.

Yet Patsy Boggs and i have become close. i’m glad.

You see, i found this magnificent woman who, for some strange reason, agreed to marry me. That’s when i discovered the whole package included her sister. Yep, Patsy is Maureen’s older sister.

i’m a lucky man. These two top out on sister love. They have taken care of each other since i have known them. They care for each other and everyone who is connected to the other. Patsy is curious like her father, wanting to know how and why things work. She reads extensively and deep. She follows the events of our day with enthusiasm and has an independent spirit. She is a major San Diego sports fan. That makes conversing with her a pleasure.

Did i mention she’s fun and funny?

But best of all is she allows me to be around one of the strongest and best relationships i have ever witnessed: two devoted sisters caring for each other.

i care, too.

Thanks, Patsy, for accepting me and allowing me to be part of your life.

Oh yeh, Happy Birthday with love.

Patsy and Maureen, circa 1983:

1 thought on “A Sister’s Birthday

  1. Happy Birthday Patsy! It’s good to put a face with your name. I enjoy reading your comments on Jim’s page.

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