A Not-So-Private Note To Family

i was going to send emails and FB messages to all of the family about a grave situation, but i am lazy and decided to do this. Actually, i was concerned i might miss someone with the other two methods and will try to cover that after putting this out there.

Saturday, Joe and i went to Wilson County Memorial Gardens to complete a mission i began over Christmas. We went to all of the family graves we could think of and asked the cemetery manager to raise the following so they would not be obscured by dirt, leaves, and grass:

Wynne and Corrine Prichard (Papa and Aunt Corrine)
Jessie Mai Jewell, the infant daughter who died during birth to my grandparents
George and Naomi Martin
H. Culley and Myrtle (Mama) Jewell (my grandparents)
Virda Jewell Williamson
Jessie and Alice Jewell

All of these should also be cleaned, some need it more than others. This has to be done by one of the two monument companies in Lebanon and i have been working with the Johnson Monument folks, whose parents were good  friends with Mother and Daddy. They charge by the size and composition. From what they charge for a stone or marble monument gravestone (the ones listed are flat headstones), i’m guessing somewhere around $50 each.

If my family members of Jewell’s, Williamson’s, Prichard’s, Martin’s, and where ever those connections lead would like to contribute to the cleaning, please let me know. With that, i will review the necessity for cleaning and calculate what it would cost each of us who wish to donate to the cause and proceed. Also, if you would contact your family members who are not subscribers to my posts to see if they are interested, i would appreciate it.

For the Prichard family, the area of Prichard graves in Cedar Grove across the street seem to be okay in this regard as well as Aunt Daisy who has a monument next to Papa and Aunt Corrine Prichard in Memorial Gardens.

The cemetery managers noted the raising of the headstones should not be done until spring has fully set in, and then the cleaning should be done.

For other friends, i apologize for using this site for a personal family message, but it was the quickest and easiest way i could figure out how to reach family members, and i am not only lazy, i am technically challenged.

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