It is raining here, a blessing for the parched high desert.
It is cold here although nearly all of the rest of the country would define a high of 59 and a low of 46 as “cool.” Consequently, we have had a fire in the family room inglenook since midday. But except for our routine of the heat on for two hours to warm the house in the morning, the fire will be our only heat source.
As has become our practice for the past several years, we are staying at home, enjoying each other’s company…and the fire. i am recording the Fiesta Bowl. Later, we will probably watch the game sans talking heads and commercials.
Maureen remains plagued by a sinus cold and likely to be in bed before nine. i have no particular schedule for bedtime. But it will be long before midnight Southwest corner time.
It is such a wonderful time of the year. Christmas celebrates the birth of Christ in spite of all the commercialism, other religions, and quasi-religions continuing trying to dilute the real reason for the season. Along with celebrating Jesus, we feel a sense of birth. And the new year speaks of resolutions to improve, to look forward to the coming year, to put the negative behind us. In short, it is the season of hope.
As a rule, i shy from making resolutions. i keep coming up with things to improve throughout the year, and there is no sense confusing those with overlays.
But this year in this season of hope, this coming year of accepting oldness, rejoicing in it, i resolve to live my life as well as possible, to deny bitterness and sadness from overshadowing that hope, to accept folks as trying to do what is right and not fault them for their rejection of others.
i will be amazed if i do not backslide.
i will make every effort to be strong, truthful, and caring but with my boundaries established.
May all of you have a New Year full of gladness, good health, and success as you define it. You are my friends and family. i care for all of you.
And i’m hoping as i type.
Very. Eautifully crafted and written. Your sincerity and the love in your heart shine through. Peace, my friend, and keep hoping!