Well, i Felt a Bit Silly

Hurricane Otis has brought unusual weather to the Southwest corner. Actually, the weather here has been counter to the usual Southwest corner style pretty much all summer and autumn thus far.

But the temperatures dipped a bit last night.

In years past when October passed it’s midpoint, i began lobbying for a fire in the hearth. i argued if we opened up the windows and turned on a fan or two (we don’t have air conditioning and this year, we never used the portable AC unit i got for Santa Ana’s), it would be nice to have a fire.

So when it got down to the low 60’s late last afternoon, i began my campaign for a fire.

Maureen just shook her head as usual.

Then i realized my argument didn’t come off very well when i was wearing shorts, a tee shirt, and was barefoot.

2 thoughts on “Well, i Felt a Bit Silly

  1. Well this link was short sweet and a few sprinkles of the usual Jewell giggles. Thanks Jim lovely dear manđŸ„°

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