i wrote this about two years ago. It’s not quite the same with the wars of hate and scourges raging around me, but there’s always something, always somebody trying to impose their will on everyone else, and i think this was a projection of me i would not have considered back then.
me. every man; no man
i am every man;
i am no man;
i have been everywhere;
i have been nowhere;
i have seen the heights of joy;
i have seen the depths of despair;
i have laughed; i have cried;
i have found the world and its inhabitants inspiring;
i have found the world and its inhabitants depressing;
i have been loved, and i don’t know why;
i have been hated; and i don’t know why;
i have failed;
i have been successful;
i have watched the generations following mine and become disgusted;
i have watched the generations following mine and been in awe;
i am older than the limbs of a wizened oak;
i am younger than a babbling brook;
i have lost loves;
i have found love;
i marvel at my life, the world, the people
while sitting on my perch of older:
it’s a pretty good view.
Thanks Jim. Certainly fits the environment we’re in today.
I really like this. Still reading a little of your book every day. I read some of the comments that were on your “Take a Stand” opinion. I’m sorry some people think their opinion is more important than yours or their’s is right and yours is wrong. You keep at it.