
The gifts came with a Christmas card, which included an explanation of the gifts.

Then, the Southwest corner took a turn toward Christmas. It wasn’t  a severe turn, more like a gentle curve toward Noel. The lows, which are the lowest when the old mariner begins his chores around first light, are waltzing between the high 30’s and low 40’s. i even played golf in the cool rain Friday and stayed in my wind shirt Monday.

Today, the front rolled in from the northwest. The wind smacked at 40 knots and the Pacific rain pelted me as i climbed my hill to lower and remove our flag, concerned the conditions might break the flagpole. The storm continued as i sat at my desk attempting to work on my response to the gifts. i looked out my window and the bougainvillea outside my office window had m morphed into a Christmas monster appealing to me to join it in a dance of carols.

If you care to see it threatening me, here is a short video:

bouganvillea christmas monster

The jolly Christmas monster spoke to me, “Quit fooling around on that response to your Christmas gifts. The gifts had caused me to stop for a moment, one of those times i have to catch my breath. They were postcards with Lebanon scenes on them. i will not describe the scenes or relate why they were sent here. That is reserved for the giver. But i had struggled to come up with an appropriate reply. The monster got me moving.

i will, however, let you know about the giver. She is beautiful, successful, joyful, and thoughtful. When we were growing up, i think i felt she was too beautiful to be interested in me. Of course, i was a teenager with every angst, doubt, desire, and all of the other rampant emotions of a teenage boy at the time, i.e., i didn’t think straight.

She and i reconnected at a high school reunion where i didn’t really belong but had been adopted by the class. We enjoyed our discussions.

Now, i have a relationship that is wonderful because she is a great friend. i want her to meet Maureen.

Thank you, Judy Lewis Gray. The gifts were wonderful and your friendship is the best gift of all.

Merry Christmas.

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