After i wrote my last post, i took my younger daughter out to lunch as Maureen had gone to an art exhibit in Balboa Park with a friend. i felt good. Memories of things i loved always get me up, and time with either of my daughters are precious to me. So this, too, gave me it was two uppers for me.
When we got home, i went to a dark place. Don’t know why. Perhaps i subconsciously recognized my time at sea was gone and my times spent with either of my daughters were very precious to me, but the opportunities for such moments are dwindling. Perhaps it was a reaction to Notre Dame burning. Perhaps it was acknowledging i was never going to play golf like Tiger. Perhaps it was the weather: gray, seaport weather in the Southwest corner, a bit cool, rain likely. Like i said, i don’t know why.
So i went outside and collected our garbage and recycle cans and put them back behind our side yard gate. As is my practice, i put away the cans for three neighbors. Such a minor thing helping others always makes me feel better. Then i planted some onion seeds in my garden box.
The gray storm clouds still lingered above. But the darkness was gone. Now i’m going to digitize a favorite LP onto my iPod, have some pizza and watch a baseball game.
i’m fine.