A Wonderful Woman: History

i have been sitting here for a couple of hours trying to come up with something to write a bit different about my sister. She is 72. Today. 72.

i am at a loss for words…not really, just can’t come up with anything adequate about how i feel about her, her husband, her son, her daughter-in-law, her grandchildren. i mean i can’t talk about her without talking about those other folks.

So i just thought i would revisit some times of hers over 72 years. And regardless of her age, she will always be my younger sister.

A few years ago.
Add one and you’ve got one hell of a family.
Our mother was so proud she made a calendar and handed them out as Christmas gifts.
And the brother and sister were best friends.
And the she went to McClain School.
And then, this other guy came along, and they became best friends. Still are.
And the two of them played together in all kinds of weather while the goofy one of the three was playing sports.
Then, she went to college and became a beautiful school teacher.
And the three gathered at the old homestead for special events.
They all grew older and remained close, even after those rather incredible people in the middle left us.


And she loves both of my daughters and became like a second mother to this one.
And she goes on, overcoming physical ailments to hike and have fun.

Martha Jewell Duff is my sister. She is very special, very special. But she won’t ever be older than me.

Happy Birthday, young sister. i love you.

4 thoughts on “A Wonderful Woman: History

  1. I came to know this wonderful family in 1950. Loved all of you ever since. Happy birthday to Martha. Would like to see any or all of you when you are in Lebanon . đź’•

  2. I didn’t realize Martha was just a year younger than me. Of course i knew all of you from church. I remember Martha from sports and you were just always around. Joe always seemed so serious. You have a great family.

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