That is the number of the Tennessee State Highway that cuts through Gallatin almost directly south to US 70, more commonly known back in his and my days as the Nashville Pike. 109 has changed and grown enormously since my days back home. i’m not sure if that is good or bad. It’s changed. Change is inevitable. I like many changes since my youth. There are also a lot changes i don’t like, but i try to deal with the good and bad.

i think he would approve of my approach. He might even chuckle at my comparing TN 109 to his age. September 28, 1914 was when he was born, the fifth of seven children of Hiram Culley and Carrie Myrtle Orand, who moved a whopping 26 miles around 1900 from the farming community of Statesville to the big county seat of Wilson County, Lebanon, Tennessee, population 1,956. When he was born, i doubt TN 109 was nothing more than a country lane. The big town of Lebanon had two paved roads, a coal fired steam plant that provided 500 homes and businesses electric power.

To say it was a long time ago is pretty much redundant. i just wish that the powers that be had kept him around for the rest of my lifetime.

But that isn’t the way life works. i know from my discussions with him, he is perfectly okay with that. So am i.

i was just going to repost the one i wrote last year about his birthday, but i had to add how much i miss my best friend. The below is a revised version of that post. i can’t add much to that.

Happy 109th birthday, Daddy:

…i still miss him terribly. He would chastise me for that. i have written volumes praising him until he told me to stop.

After he passed just shy of 99, i have praised him again, often. i don’t think i can add to that. Below are two items i wrote about him that he liked. i don’t think i need to add anything.

An Incredible Man (2000)

There is an incredible man in Lebanon. He was born September 28, 1914.

The first record of his family in America dates to 1677. His great, great, great grandfather came over the Cumberland Gap to Kentucky with Daniel Boone and apparently was Daniel’s brother-in-law. His great, great grandfather moved to Statesville in southeastern Wilson County in the early 1800’s.

He had three brothers and three sisters. He is the only one left.

He has lived through two world wars, fighting as a Seabee in the southern Philippines in the last one. He has lived through the depression, the cold war, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the Persian Gulf War.

He had to quit his senior year at Lebanon High School to go to work when his father contracted tuberculosis. He started as a mechanic, shared a business with his brother-in-law in the 1950’s, and then became a partner in an automobile dealership and a gas and oil distributorship. He retired in 1972.

He and his wife have been married for 62 years. They remain infatuated with each other. The first home they owned was a one-room house, adjacent to his wife’s family farm on Hunter’s Point Pike. They bought their next home on Castle Heights Avenue in 1941 with the help of a $500.00 loan from a friend. They have lived there ever since.

He and his wife put three children through college. They have five grandchildren. They have visited every state in the Union, except Alaska, where they were headed in 1984 when his wife’s illness forced them to turn around in British Columbia. Nearly all of their travel has been by RV’s, most in a twenty-eight foot fifth-wheel. When he was 87 and his wife was 84, they made their last cross-country trip to San Diego where they spent winters since 1985 with their eldest son and his family. They have made several trips up and down the east coast since then, and the fifth-wheel is still ready to go in their backyard.

They live comfortably in their retirement. Most people guess his age as early 70’s. Last month, he painted their master bedroom and sanded and painted the roof of his two-car carport. When he can’t find anyone to go fishing with him, he hooks up the boat trailer and goes by himself. Now he usually throws his catch back in. When he used to bring the catch home, he would clean the fish and give them away. He doesn’t like to eat fish, just catch them.

For years, he had the reputation as the best mechanic in Wilson County. He can still fix anything except computers and new cars because he has shunned learning the electronic advances.

All of this isn’t why this man is incredible.

He is incredible because he is such a good man.

He is a willow. He bends with the winds of change and the changes of “progress.” Yet he never breaks. His principles remain as solid as a rock. He is extremely intelligent but humble.

He seems to always be around when someone needs help. Everyone considers him a friend and he reciprocates.

He is not rich, financially. But he is one of the richest men around.

My generation’s fathers were family men. They lived through hard times and hard work without a whimper. They believed in giving a day’s work for a day’s pay. They kept their sense of humor. Their sons wish they could emulate them.

Jimmy Jewell, or James Rye Jewell, Sr., this remarkable man, remains my best friend. I am his oldest son. I have worshipped him since the first recallable thoughts came into my head fifty-three or so years ago. I still find myself wishing I could have his strength, his kindness, his work ethic, his love, his faith.

My father and I have had enough talks for him to know how I feel. But I’ve seen too many people wait until someone was gone before singing their praises publicly. I figure he’s got a good chance to outlive us all, but I wanted to acknowledge how much he means to me and how great a man I think he is.

Happy eighty-sixth birthday, Dad.


When most folks meet him,
they notice steel blue eyes and agility;
his gaze, gait and movements
belie the ninety-five years;
those folks should look at his hands:
those hands could make Durer cry
with their history and the tales they tell.

His strength always was supple
beyond what was suggested from his slight build.
His hands are the delivery point of that strength.
His hands are not slight:
His hands are firm and thick and solid –
a handshake of destruction if he so desired, but
he has used them to repair the cars and our hearts;

His hands are marked by years of labor with
tire irons, jacks, wrenches, sledges, micrometers on
carburetors, axles, brake drums, distributors
(long before mechanics hooked up computers,
deciphering the monitor to replace “units”
for more money in an hour than he made in a month
when he started in ’34 before computers and units).

His hands pitched tents,
made the bulldozers run
in war
in the steaming, screaming sweat of
Bouganville, New Guinea, the Philippines.

His hands have nicks and scratches
turned into scars with
the passage of time:
a map of history, the human kind.
Veins and arteries stand out
on the back of his hands,
pumping life itself into his hands
and beyond;
the tales of grease and oil and grime,
cleaned by gasoline and goop and lava soap
are etched in his hands;

they are hands of labor,
hands of kindness, caring, and love:
oh love, love, love, crazy love.

His hands speak of him with pride.
His hands belong
to the smartest man I know
who has lived life to the maximum,
but in balance, in control, in understanding,
gaining respect and love
far beyond those who claim smartness
for the money they earned
while he and his hands own smartness
like a well-kept plot of land
because he always has understood
what was really important
in the long run:
smarter than any man I know
with hands that tell the story
so well.

Happy Birthday, Daddy.

6 thoughts on “109

  1. I find it easy to view this as an autobiography because I see so much of your in hear. Your and I are truly children of the greatest generation and I love that you shared this everyone.

    1. Oh my, 109 holds some memories. I recall when the bridge was built across the Cumberland River, going to Gallatin. I saw the construction taking place. Then, the Boy Scout Camp that I attended. I think it was called Camp Boxwell. And of course I must mention the beginning of Cracker Barrel. The very first Cracker Barrel was on 109.

      1. And they tore the original down. Sad. Went to Boxwell once around 14-15. Recall smoking grapevines and the smey ll of the tent. My grandfather cleared some land near there in the 1920’s. Not sure where, but they took the train from Lebanon to there once they got set up and began work. Not much more. Reminds me of the story of the two boy scouts spending the night at a camp. They woke up early in the morning and it was still dark. One scout began musing about how beautiful it was to see all the stars and planets at night away from the lights in town. He pointed to the stars and asked his buddy what he thought it meant. His buddy replied. “i think it means somebody stole our tent.”

  2. Oh my, 109 holds some memories. I recall when the bridge was built across the Cumberland River, going to Gallatin. I saw the construction taking place. Then, the Boy Scout Camp that I attended. I think it was called Camp Boxwell. And of course I must mention the beginning of Cracker Barrel. The very first Cracker Barrel was on 109.

  3. They finished redoing Hwy 109 this past summer. It is now a hop skip and jump to Gallatin from Hwy 70. It has been widened and straightened. Lots of new houses on former farmland. That part is sad. The road to Cherokee Steak House is different. Reba McIntyre’s farm was bought after her divorce and turned into a tacky campground. Lebanon is not the same. If i didn’t have family there, i would never visit it.

    1. Everytime i come home, there are changes that take away from my memory of wonderful things. It’s inevitable, but it is discouraging.

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