Blog Topics

A Pocket of Resistance

A potpourri of posts on a variety of topics, in other words, what’s currently on my mind.

  • Cat Box
    This morning, Patsy Manning answered my request, and jogged my memory. She noted that the restaurant before Cat and Birdie was owned by the Winfrees. That is the name for the restaurant in my family. Thanks, Patsy. i’m finding it a bit more difficult to write something meaningful about growing up in Lebanon. i mean … Continue reading Cat Box

Murphy’s Law desk calendar

A curation of Murphy’s Law saying from over the years.

Sea Stories

Fairly self explanatory, from what I can remember that is.

Notes from the Southwest Corner

Selected columns written for the Lebanon, Tennessee Democrat newspaper from 2007 to 2017 about living in the Southest.

  • A Moment of Scary
    Tomorrow is Halloween. i am not a big fan of the marketing frenzy and proliferation of store bought decorations (that abound to the ridiculous in our neighborhood). If that’s your thing, then go for it. But my Halloween decorations consist of a carved pumpkin, and we may forego that this year as our visiting costumed … Continue reading A Moment of Scary

Steel Decks and Glass Ceilings

Posts on the topic of the challenges and success of the deployment and integration of women into life aboard a Navy ship. This topic later became my book.

Willie Nod

A collection of children’s poems written for my grandchild.

Jewell in the Rough

Posts on various topics about my life.

New Palestine

Short stories about a fictional town in Tennessee.

  • Put Out to Pasture
    Pre-sales for my book Steel Decks and Glass and Glass Ceilings: A Navy Officer’s Memoir, and the announcement of the publishing date is imminent. This is a quiet, anxious time for me. My hopes are those who want to read it will buy it and enjoy it, perhaps even learn a bit from it, and … Continue reading Put Out to Pasture

Pretty Good Management

Leadership columns written for the Lebanon Democrat from 2007 to 2012.